Activities Bring Pleasure to People with Alzheimer’s
Keeping aging loved ones active in hobbies and interests that gave them pleasure in the past is important after a disease diagnosis. These stimulating activities for Alzheimer’s help:
- Stir memories
- Foster emotional connections with others
- Encourage self-expression
- Lessen the anxiety and irritability that Alzheimer’s may bring
- Make people with Alzheimer’s feel more engaged with life
What activities best suit people with Alzheimer’s? That depends on the individual. As describes, it is important to create meaningful activities, not just ones that fill time. Consider interests they had in the past, knowing that some activities may need to be modified for safety or practicality. Keep in mind that Alzheimer’s affects behavior and senses in addition to memory. So, activities that a person once enjoyed may become overwhelming or even frustrating now.
Check out these 10 Stimulating Activities for Alzheimer’s Patients from